From One Birthday To The Next

To describe me takes talent... all I can say is, "Come back here and i'll bite your legs off!" Thats my favorite line from Monty Pythons-The Holy Grail... If I haven't scared you off with that brief introduction, i guess you deserve to read some more about me.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

This week was a very busy week. You already know what I did on sunday, so i'll skip that. On Monday there was a speaker in school and he stated the most logical and sensible thing that I have ever heard spoken about Gush Katif and the whole disengagment issue. I don't think that they should have given it to the arabs like that, but some things were blown out of proportion by different groups of people. Anyway he said in a very roundabout way that we should be Jews before we are Israelis.
This is very true.
Tuesday I had my first Tanach class of the year and it was really rather interesting.
On Wednesday after school I was visiting Lori at her apartment. We brought her the black sofa from the basement and the coffee table and some other fun stuff. Ok, so the shleppers really brought the stuff to her, but we followed along and I had to talk on the phone to a crazy Israeli in the process, so I think I deserve Some credit.
Thursday went by rather quickly. I got three hours of sleep on a smelly bus, but I did go down to the Yam HaMelach area and hike in Nachal Partzim. The Mearot HaKemach and all.
Friday, well that when I got home from this lovely Siyur. At a quarter to eleven. At eleven I had a piano lesson. Then I came home and I think I fell asleep for an hour. I vaguely remember my mother asking me if I wanted to braid the challah. Then I went through the annoying process of trying to get copious amounts of sand out of my hair and out from in between my toes, this week I desanded, last week I defuzzed... that was for you Lorz.
Then I washed the downstairs floor and got dressed up for shabbos and went to shul and ate supper, and went for a walk and then fell asleep while lori was kicking brenda in the face with her foot.
Today, I got up and went to shul. ate lunch. Listened to some interesting stories that my father was telling. Very educational. and then I ate rice krispie treats. and then I went to my grandparents house and ate some more. It was a good evening. I got an omelette and more pasta salad.

Now I'm calling it a night and going to sleep.
G'night mush.


At 7:31 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Update your blog you wacky kender!


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