Whatever happened to post more frequently now that I found out that there is interent in the hospital library? sheeeeesh! well, go figure, a few weeks ago I changed my blogger account to the new blogger beta or whatever it is and then it wouldnt let me log in and see my blogs. It was sad. now there are about five posts that no one will ever read or know about, because I wasnt able to post them.
Well, the point of this post wasnt to explain why I havent posted for so long, even though it is Lori's fault, but rather to post for the sake of posting because I was in the mood to post this morning, so I dragged myself out of bed and even made it into the shower and while I do remember now that I forgot to take the garbage out, I made it out of my room and to the library! yay f0r Sammy!
Nothing remarkable has happened t0day so far because I have been cloistered in my room for the past few hours. Nothing remarkable has even had a chance to happen because I was cloistered in my room for the past few hours. (I know those two sentences sound the same, but they are different and have two different implications. The first being a statement saying that nothing has happened because I didnt go anywhere or do anything. Where as the second is telling you that I destroyed the possiblity of anything happening because I didnt go outside my room or do anything at all today.)
The only thing that did happen today was not so enjoyable. I had finally decided to sit up in bed rather than pretending to sleep. It was tenish and I had my music on and it was peaceful and nice and warm. Of course the door bangs open and my lovely roommate turns the radio on and makes it really loud so she can hear it, because she knows that my music is on and the regular volume will not do if she plans on hearing the crappy music thats planning on the radio that she had just turned on.
The only other thing that I thought about today besides for coming to the radio to blog was the thought that it was a nice day to go take a walk and maybe I should. Then my room mate came in and then I decided that it was blogging time. This arguement seems to be going around in circles.
Last night I watched the BBC version on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The acting was good, but the animation was funny and made me remember that once (fifteen years ago) animation was not what it is today. Go figure...
Then we watched Ella Enchanted which was amusing, seeing as it was all in english and poor Reut didnt understand half of what was going on. She just liked thwe pictures I think =) stam, she got the point, but all the witty comments were just not half as funny and lost there wittyness? in translation...
So thats all for now, because as always, I come during a bad time when lots of people want to use the computers and seeing as how they need it for school work, I feel bad taking up to much time.
So yalla... good bye... and I hope I post again soon!
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