From One Birthday To The Next

To describe me takes talent... all I can say is, "Come back here and i'll bite your legs off!" Thats my favorite line from Monty Pythons-The Holy Grail... If I haven't scared you off with that brief introduction, i guess you deserve to read some more about me.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Concerning Hobbits" is a very relaxing piece of music to listen to as you wind down after days of nonstop work and headaches.
I havent really been keeping up with my blog lately and I wont be able to update daily for a week. I guess i'm trying to say... get your fill now, because the next few days are also going to be crazy and I wont be home.
We have been working on our Hachtarah and Hatzagah for a month now. It is going to be amazing, lifie da'ati. Our presentation is the famous film: My Fair Lady. I never realized how much work went into this thing! As some wise or just tired person said today, "This isnt fun! Its perfect!" and as another person answered, "You thought our school was into fun? Perfect or nothing is their motto!" Those statements sum it up pretty well. Painting scenery, costumes, props, the acting, dances, timing, music... there are a million and one little things that have to be perfect down to the last detail. I mean, on the scenery we were making sure every line was perfect, when in reality, the audience wont even be looking at it!
(side note: congradulations to Ora, who got the job she wanted for Sherut Leumi! It is so exciting! she just called me now, therefore its in middle of the post...)
BiKitzor, everything was crazy and we are going to be presenting it tomorrow night. I cant believe that this school year is almost over! It is a very scary thought. And its almost pesach again! I'm excited for that!
Ok, the to-do list is slowly but surely shrinking and I am really in the mood to watch LOTR, but alas, Ain Lei Zman, so maybe during the summer since its so soon anyway...
g'night mush!


At 9:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Brilliant -

One night in the summer - you should come stay by me and we will watch LOTR together.

We can even watch the extended edition -

But, it'll have to be by me - because my life is now over and I have no time for 'me' anymore.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah - MAZAL TOV ORA!!!!

How bout you Sam? When're you gonna 'close' for Sheirut?


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