From One Birthday To The Next

To describe me takes talent... all I can say is, "Come back here and i'll bite your legs off!" Thats my favorite line from Monty Pythons-The Holy Grail... If I haven't scared you off with that brief introduction, i guess you deserve to read some more about me.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another morning post, well I guess its really not morning anymore, but I fell like its still 10 o'clock cause I sat in bed reading for an hour, until my piano teacher called me and asked if we could move my piano lessons to thursday night, because i'm a big girl and there are little people who want piano lessons and they cant stay up so late. So I agreed, but told her i'm busy tonight, so the schedule changes as of next week. I played my sonata without any mistakes earlier. I'll try it again later and since practice makes perfect... In total contrast to the last statement here's something I read this morning "why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?!" Hobbes says it in today Calvin and Hobbes strip, thank you Bill Watterson! I liked that line, cause so many people hold by it. I like to know a little about everything and then the more fascinating subject are explored. Most other people though, like to specialize in one thing thinking its enough, and others just dont care and so know nothing. Its a good thing to think about. We have to make our own choices as to how we live our life ;) (i know one person at least should understand the deeper meaning behind that comment.) I made crinkle cookies last night, and now I can tell Raizi that you can get at least 48 cookies from each batch. They came out so nicely! And they taste really good and they aren't too sweet, so they are addictive! Its awful! at least they aren't "deep fried and smothered with chocolate" they just are chocolate unto themselves, but the line came to mind and I had to use it. Its instead of a thank you to my personal blockbuster :) hehehe!
So sister dear, how was class this morning? You know what I just realized, since my piano lessons are on thursday night, you could give me a massage after them and I wont have to worry about being all oily. On to another topic, I made soup last night and I used some of my favorite spices. Want to know the cool part? I asked Mommy if she could doctor it and she said it tasted really good and she didnt have to. I put chick peas into it though, so we would think of you while we ate. There were more chick peas than other vegetables, and its a good thing Abba is going to America to eat steak, because I think he's getting sick of our using chick peas in everything!!! At least he wont place a ban on it til next year!
I really should do my homework, but I'm not in the mood to recopy notes or to write my paper. Sigh, this really isnt good. I know i'll get it all done, but it would be nice to not have to worry anymore. I really have to go do theory... Maybe on some random monday morning. Don't worry Ora, it will be before the end of the year. Hmmm...
Ok, well thats it for now, I'll update you guys about the dinner experiance later, after we have it... so Bonne jour!


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could ruin someone's life right now, but I won't because unlike them I am not that rude. I just wanna know how you wear skirts 'that cover your toes' with out tripping over the skirt, i know its an odd question sorry for my randomness.


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