From One Birthday To The Next

To describe me takes talent... all I can say is, "Come back here and i'll bite your legs off!" Thats my favorite line from Monty Pythons-The Holy Grail... If I haven't scared you off with that brief introduction, i guess you deserve to read some more about me.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Well, what did I do today... not much of anything... Someone said that they do the same things that I do everyday, so I guess I shouldn't feel SO bad; eat, sleep, read, and water the plants! Thats what I did today... I also went swimming for almost two hours and THAT took a lot of energy I also helped carry a washing machine into my house and that was heavy, so that counts too :) I read Sara's blog... everone should start reading it... Its funny and saralike. The only things left on my list of stuff to do today is work on the famous puzzle some more, go to sleep, read a few more chapters in my book, get the clorine out of my hair, and then continue listening to my music... not in that order. I can't fall asleep and then finish the other things EVEN! that was for the sunshine and the other unfortunate souls who don't know the correct word is too or also. g'night (g-nig-iht) (it comes from the idea of k-nig-iht) y'all.


At 11:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You drank the pool water. Didn't you? (Silly Little Fish!)

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Sammy said...

nope, I sneezed in it!


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