I woke up this morning and suddenly everything became very clear... I was going to be late for school, but yes I had to go, and it wasnt going to be a totally awful day. I was late to school, but onle by 20 minutes. It was ok, because it was only HaRav Ketz speaking and he is so interested in what hes talking about that he doesnt notice when you arent there and most girls go to sleep with their eyes open anyway. I did go to school and was in all of my classes. Navi was boring and since I dont have to listen it was even more depressing. Lashon was comical. Its a good thing Raizi was alive today, cause I wasnt... she answered all the questions and made the teacher very happy. Chemistry was. now its over and done with until after our tiyul shnati! We are going to Eilat, dude! This is going to be fun! History wasnt as boring as usual, because the teacher was funny. We were learning about a murder plot and how by murdering him the purpose of the murder was accomplished. The killing part and the reasons they wanted to kill him... Then I went home... Home is a very nice place. I like home. Most of the time anyway. I made supper. We have very few vegetables. So my soup consisted of one little onion, some potatoes, some carrots, and a sweet potato. It was just enough for the five of us. But of course I had to pour in WAY to much salt, so I added another half a pot of water. It tastes very good, but there is left over and that means someone is going to have to eat it at some point... maybe for supper tomorrow night too... its a thought!
Since I am in a generous mood, I will share the following poem with my dear readers:
The air was clean and crisp
The wind rustling the trees like mad
And she walked along the peaceful road
Feeling contented and glad
The joy that comes from living
Was the first thing on her mind
As she looked into the starry sky
To feast her eyes upon their kind.
But to her delight and partial dismay
What else had she found there?
She burst into laughter and what a sight to see
A ballon floating by in the air!
What splendid adventures its likely to have,
She said to herself with a smile
Or else it might start to float the wrong way
For the road goes on mile after mile
So after some pondering and consideration on her part
She decided to just think the best
She thought of the places it might go and see
And these thoughts filled her with pleasure and zest
Finally she bade the ballon a silent goodbye
And continued to wend her way down the street
For as much as adventures are curious thing
Home is best when you but follow your feet...
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment on it... g'night mush!