To describe me takes talent... all I can say is, "Come back here and i'll bite your legs off!"
Thats my favorite line from Monty Pythons-The Holy Grail...
If I haven't scared you off with that brief introduction, i guess you deserve to read some more about me.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Yesterday was Yom HaSho'ah. I went to school. Therefore, I do not have to go to school tomorrow. In fact I am not going to school, until next tuesday. This makes me happy. I plan to be very busy from now til then. Listen! I get to relax and be bored until friday. Help my Eema clean and cook on Friday. Have a wonderful shabbat and talk to new-ish people. Sunday and Monday I get to check out a sherut leumi place. And then next tuesday its back to school for half a day and then no school til my matkonet on Friday. I sounds lovely to me. Now all I need to do is figure out what exactly I am going to be doing now, besides for studying that is. Avi and I were talking about Elephants earlier. I think I will go make a zoo...
Lonesome was how I would describe today. I was up early and then procceded to waste my day doing not much of anything, but sonata did sound REALLY good, which is awesome, because my bagrut is on Thursday. Shoot! Ah ha ha! I am not usually nervous, but this is really big. Shoot! Ah ha ha! Ok, i'll cool it for now. I am really bored. Yes, still. And the day is almost over. And I am still sick. g'night mush
This was a good shabbos. Shul was interesting as always... I coughed and coughed some more... Supper was pretty good. It was really nice outside, so I went for a walk. Then I came home and went into my room. There, I almost suffocated. I stood by the front of my bed and a few minutes later Loris eyes popped open. I commented on how hot it was and then suggested that we go sleep outside. So we did. Now I have a mosquito bite on my face and some on my arm. They itch. In case you wanted to know that...
I woke up and it was sunny and warm. I left shul early when I was coughing really loud and it occurred to me that I had forgotten to take my medicine. So I went home during the speech and tried to swallow my magic floating pills. See, I don't know why, but they don't go down so easy. Usually, I take a sip of water, put my head all the way back, drop the pill in, and voila! It goes down my throat... But these pills float on top of the water and without the water they don't slip down, so all in all... Yeah... I have to swallow... Its very annoying. That is all I am going to say on the matter.
I got to sleep, read, and be vastly amused and cough my guts up after lunch. A very productive day...
"A morning spent scrubbing chairs, is not a morning wasted" A morning spent scrubbing chairs also leads to your arm hurting, but it is all in the fuN and games... and preparation of course.
The Pesach spirit is upon us as we clean and clean and clean...
I dont have anything useful to talk about, except how boring life is getting and there isnt even anything good to eat in the meantime.
I cant wait for tomorrow or at least Lori will be home later and the party can start. This Pesach is also going to be different than I had planned on it being. Oh well, changes are ok sometimes...
Hello peoplebodies! How is everyone today? Its a good thing that blogging means I get to write instead of talk, cause my throat really hurts. Brenda says I'm a horse, but lori always tells me I must be a kenderkin, cause I'm so cute and funny... and annoying! =) Oh, I would love to write, but as you all can see, its suppertime, at ten to nine at night, so... gnight mush for now...
Even though I have no spare time, I would like to thank certain persons... Thank you Mory... you are a, sanity saver? I dont know if I'm sane, so maybe you havent saved it, but if I had any I'm sure you just did. Even so... you still helped me with stuff that I had no clue how to do. Thank you!
It is true that my blog is a part of me. My posts contain parts of my life that I wouldnt remember if I didnt write them down somewhere. For example, I dont remember everytime school is boring, so I write it down. But my blog is not my diary, it is something I write in when Lori makes me, I feel I should, or i'm bored. very bored. therefore I will put feeling into what I am writing but not always write about what is giving me the feeling that I am portraying from my words. I do not understand what I am writing anymore. yes i'm very stingy about what I write, because some stuff isnt for everyone to know. does anyone else ever realize this? g'night mush.
if this post seems, um, well, harsh, I am not angry at any comments or people, just very tired and i do not have the ability to think very well when found in this state of being...
Before we continue to analyze my previous post, let me say that the style of writing reflects my mood. If you didnt notice, I added in at the bottom a very accurate account of what I did today in school. Basically nothing. I will tell you something about myself... I hate sitting around and doing nothing, wasting time gets on my nerves! I know other people dont feel this way, but those are my feelings on the matter. Therefore, if you think about this logically then... sammy doing nothing in school + the writing style of the previous post = a very annoyed sammy. This would be why my post was so annoying. It was even annoying to write. Notice how I even put apostrophe marks in most of the places where they belong. Goodness! To clarify matters, I enjoyed shabbat very much and hope to do it again after pesach when I can bring more funny chametzdik desserts to the Koplon's house.
In this blog post I am going to write about how I spent my shabbat. I went to Ora's house. Ora lives in Chashmonaim. I like going to Ora's house. It is a lot of fun. She has two funny younger brothers and a younger sister. Her parents are also very funny people. Usually, when ever I go there for shabbat, I bring dessert. This time I made sushi out of rice krispie treats and green fruit by the foot. They liked it a lot and it gave them a good laugh. Why is this so funny? They like to eat sushi and Ora and I always make it when I'm there. I don't like sushi, but they always tell me to try it and I do. Then I tell them that I don't like it again. After that, they dont make me eat anymore of it. This is why I decided to make dessert sushi for them, so that finally there would be sushi that I would eat too. Friday afternoon, Ora and I helped her mother get ready for shabbat. They finally decided that I like helping and they let me cut up all the vegetables. It worked out well, because Ora's mother does not like to cut up vegetables. Shabbat started and we went to shul. It was a nice davening, but very loud. It reminded me of home, because almost none of the men could sing. We then went back to Ora's house to have supper. Supper was delicious. I even made sure to copy the recipe for the chicken after shabbat. We talked and zemired and laughed til our sides hurt. After bentching, Ora washed the dishes and I studied for machshevet. We have a test on Monday. When Ora was done washing the dishes, we went out for a walk and to find some people to socialize with. We picked up Binyamin from his house and then went to find the people who were wandering around outside. In the end, we wound up talking to Shira and to Binyamin's younger brother and his friends. It was an amusing conversation. At eleven we headed for home and studied some more. Then we went to sleep. At six thirty the next morning we got up and went to the early minyan at shul. We were really tired, but at least the women's section wasn't crowded. After davening, we went back to Ora's house and set the table, made some salads, and sat down to study a little more while we waited for Ora's family and their guest to come back from shul. Lunch was a drawn out affair, but there was company over, so it was only to be expected. I was trying my hardest not to fall asleep at the table. At two o'clock, the company left and we got to take a two hour long shabbat nap. It was much needed. When we woke up, we decided to study some mishnayot for our bagrut on Wednesday. We spread a blanket out in the backyard and ate popcorn as we learned. Not surprisingly, Binyamin and Shira came over while we were studying. Shira read the newspaper and Binyamin made me laugh, too much. It was good to have him there though, because anything Ora or I didn't understand he was able to explain to us. A year in yeshiva can be a good thing. Finally the sun started to set and it got chilly outside. We went and sat inside and talked politics and about Shidduchim. Shabbat ended and everyone went home. Ora and I cleared up her room. I said thank you to her parents and then Ora walked me to the bus stop. I made it home a little before eleven and started to work on my sport avodah. I stayed up until three thirty writing it. Then I woke up at six fifteen and finished it off. I went to school. There was no gym today. Two free hours came next. Torah was interesting, but I knew it all already. Two more free hours followed. At least the Ezrachut teacher is letting me redo the test after pesach...
I hope you enjoyed the detailed summary of my Shabbat and up until now. And what about that Israeli/thrid grade writing style... nu? g'night mush
I am a typical me, so read all about it. Other than that, a year spent at Sha'ari Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem doing Sherut Leumi is on my agenda at the moment. Lets see how it goes, shall we?