I was popular today. I got three phone calls! Everyone wanted to talk about school. It IS starting on Friday, so I can understand why. It was an interseting day and nothing spetacular happened. I went grocery shopping. It was the girls and Saba. So my Mommy and Lori walked around together, Saba and Savta walked around together, and Brenda and me switched back and forth. It was an experience. I helped make supper. Big surprise there, no? Then I was chosen to help take MORE stuff to Lori's new apartment. We took her big chair, groceries, tools, plants, blankets, and a fridge. Me and abba got home at 12:30, so timewise... it wasn't to bad.
I had fun playing on my ipod all day. I can't wait til I take the bus everyday. Then I'll really get to use it!